40 Adorable Wall Art Ideas to Incorporate Into Your Design

21. Framed Images Placed By The Level Of The Eye Rule

Eye Level Rule

In this room, the owners decided to stick to the level of the eye rule, that states that the things that are leveled to the average person’s height, will get more attention that the objects under or over the level of the eyes. In this case, the frames were placed on top of an embedded shelf. Even though most things keep the same color scheme, the frames are easy to notice because of their location. Another great thing in this example is that nails did not have to b used, keeping the walls healthy.


22. Wall Art Ideas Made With Fabric Items

fabric wall art ideas

This design is very fun and picturesque because it features lots of different fabric vases and plates from many different countries all over the world. For this style, any fabric item is valid: hats, vases, pots, dishes, anything rounded and with different sizes and colors, can be combined into this great option that is also very affordable.

23. Modern Art Wall

Great works of modern art


In this monochromatic room, the painting also belongs into this concept, but sometimes keeping things to one or two colors also have a great result. In this case: a living room where black and white are the predominant colors, with flashes of grey that brings the two colors together, and the presence of the yellow flowers puts a dot of color. The big painting on the wall belongs to modern art, and with the help of the lams, makes it outstand.

24. Grey Wall Art Ideas Ideal For The Living Room

grey living room wall art ideas

This wall is a perfect reminiscence of a blackboard, with the black foreground with the white vetted all over. You can use an actual blackboard by painting the wall in matte black and using white chalk to draw thing, then with a dry rug you will have to spread the chalk on the wall. This kind of wall is good for spaces such as the office, the kitchen, and many others where from time to time, you need to write some things down.


25. Colorful Wall Art To Hang In The Wall

hanging wall art ideas

This magnificent wall details are made in acrylic, and hanged on the wall with the help of nails. These great sculptures come in various sizes, and they are composed by 2 spheres, one translucent and the other one bold. The owners decided to use 3 big ones in different sizes and a bunch of small ones to enhance the wall’s design. With the rest of the living room’s decoration, this style could be defined as modern.

26. Large Wall Art Ideas With Low Prices

inexpensive large wall art ideas

What about using a huge vinyl sticker that represents the continents of the world? In this room, the walls and floors are painted white, making the space look bigger, but making it scream for some touches of colors, which are given here by the map in dark blue and grey right on the head of the bed. A great example on how simplicity can create the most beautiful images.

27. Wall Art Ideas In Modern Style

modern wall art ideas

The art on these walls is not given only by the paintings in vibrant colors and with great styles. The wall itself is a piece of art, wrapped up on the most beautiful green wall paper with leaves motifs, as well as the plant cornered and supported on the wall. This modern bedroom is also an artistic jungle.

28. Natural Wall Art Painting For The Living Room

room wall art ideas

In this living room, where the predominant color is light beige, the walls need an extra something to enhance and bring up the room. The owners have decided to do this by placing a big size painting with deep bright red colors. In combination with the dark wooden shelve; all colors make a wonderful combination that makes this home look cozy and modern at the same time.

29. Wall Art With A Unique Design

Unique Art Wall

This wall’s art matches to perfection with the rest of the decoration’s elements. The wall is covered by texturized wall paper, and the sculpture spread on the wall is very free handed and can be easily made using bottle lids, corks, and many other recycled materials to create the most diverse shapes. It looks like an ocean design, with the white and the beige.

30. Fun And Modern Vinyl Stickers

Vinyl stickers

Depending on your personal style and taste, you can find many options to come up with wall art ideas. Also, the art you choose will also depend on the purpose of the room you will apply the art too. That is why it is not hard to imagine this psychedelic horse sticker on a room such as the children’s bedroom, an office, an art den, or even on the kitchen. Certainly, this sticker gives a lot of color to the white wall and the simple decoration.

More Wall Art Decoration Ideas On The Next Page…

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